Ségou is also ... 4444!
Segou, Mali's cultural city, with 501,447 inhabitants, a heterogeneous population composed of Bamanan, Fulani, Bozo, Soninke, Somonos and Dogon. Its history is littered with twitching, sometimes bloody.
Founded in the sixteenth century AD, the city, located on the right bank of River Niger was "one of the best stories told in Mali," writes Diakaridia Dembele. "Narrated and told by the griots, the story Segovia is transmitted from father to son."
The balanzan or Balazan, Acacia albida, holds a special place in the legend of the great kingdom of Bambara.
Is its resistance to all kinds of hazards that this plant is the eternal symbol of the city. Not for nothing it is called the City to 4444 Balanza.
It is said that "Warriors of Segou's time to give the number of active combatants in the army, chose the name balanzan.
Thus one speaks easily of 4444 and balanzan!
4444 corresponded to the exact number of warriors in time Damonzon, son of Monzon Diarra. Centuries later we still talk of that army Segovia against external aggression. "
Mamary Biton Coulibaly hunter from the left bank, founded two centuries after the implantation of Bozo fishermen, the Soninke, Malinke and Bamanan the Bamana kingdom of Segou, perfect example of democracy at the time, characterized by a collective management power.
At his death in 1755, his son ascended the throne Dinkoro before the Diara settle with the eruption of N'golo Diarra, a prisoner of war, who will lead the kingdom from 1766 to 1790, before a durable power to his children. So his son succeeded him and led Monzon Segou until 1808, before Da ... his resume down for twenty years, the torch of Diarra. It was after her reign that the empire began to decline, and staggering under the successive attacks of Sekou Amadou and El Hadj Omar Tall. This forced, in 1861, the Bamanan, animists to convert to Islam. After installing his son Ahmadu Tall at the head of Segou, he continued his conquest to Timbuktu.
Despite bitter battles waged by Bamanan to retrieve the chair of their grandfather, Biton Coulibaly, Ahmadou Tall remained in control. "Insensitive" to the efforts of the colonizer to hunt, with the help of Bamanan, it remains firmly in power. But the manhunt, opened against the Toucouleurs had to go through there, Segou before becoming the capital of colonial administrative circle. Later she became regional capital ...
Source : A.F. (